<-[[./|Go Back]] ====== How to Reset Password for Wiki and Gitlab ====== ++++ Details | - Visit on [[https://wiki.direct2drive.com|Wiki]] site - %%https://wiki.direct2drive.com%% - Click on "**Set new password**" {{ :shared:01_reset_password.png |}} - Fill in your username and click on "**Set new password**" button. * Note: the username should be your email address string before '@atgames.net' * For example: if your email address is 'david.chou@atgames.net', then your id should be 'david.chou' * {{ :shared:02_reset_password.png |}} - You will see the message "A confirmation link has been sent by email" {{ :shared:03_reset_password.png |}} - Check your inbox, you should receive a mail that subject is "**[AtGames-Wiki] Your DokuWiki password**", click on confirmation link. {{ :shared:04_reset_password.png |}} Some time the mail server provider identify mail as spam, please check you spam if you don't receive confirmation email - After click on confirmation link, you should see the message "Your new password has been sent by email". The new password has sent to you, please check inbox again {{ :shared:05_reset_password.png |}} - Check your inbox again, the new password mail subject is "**[AtGames-Wiki] Your DokuWiki Password**". {{ :shared:06_reset_password.png |}} - You can start use new password to login [[https://wiki.direct2drive.com|Wiki]] or [[https://gitlab.direct2drive.com|Gitlab]], But suggest you to change the password easy to remember, you can flow below steps to reset your password - Use your new password to login [[https://wiki.direct2drive.com|Wiki]] site and click on "**Update Profile**" in right top. {{ :shared:07_reset_password.png |}} - Fill in all required fields to change your password and clock on "**Save**" button. {{ :shared:08_reset_password.png |}} - Done. you should see the message box "User profile successfully updated", it's mean your password has been reseted. {{ :shared:09_reset_password.png |}} ++++ ====== 如何重設 Wiki 與 Gitlab 的密碼 ====== ++++ 詳細內容| - 訪問 [[https://wiki.direct2drive.com|Wiki]] 網站 - https://wiki.direct2drive.com - 點擊 "**Set new password**" 連結 {{ :shared:01_reset_password.png |}} - 填你的帳號(Username) 後,按 "**Set new password**" 按鈕送出。 * 注意: 帳號與電子郵件 **@atgames.net** 前相同 * 例: 如果你的電子郵件為 **david.chou@atgames.net**,則你的帳號為 **david.chou** * {{ :shared:02_reset_password.png |}} - 你會看到訊息為 "A confirmation link has been sent by email" 表示送出更改密碼請求確認信。 {{ :shared:03_reset_password.png |}} - 檢查你的信箱,你應該看到一封主旨為 "**[AtGames-Wiki] Your DokuWiki password**",請點選信中確認的連結. {{ :shared:04_reset_password.png |}} 注意:有時郵件會被歸類為垃圾郵件(Spam),若您沒有收到郵件時請檢查垃圾郵件 - 點了連結之後會導回 Wiki 網站,你會看到 "Your new password has been sent by email". 這表示系統已將**重設的密碼**送出,請再去信箱收信 {{ :shared:05_reset_password.png |}} - 檢查你的信箱,密碼重設的郵件主旨為:"**[AtGames-Wiki] Your DokuWiki Password**". {{ :shared:06_reset_password.png |}} - 你可以開始使用這個密碼到 [[https://wiki.direct2drive.com|Wiki]] 或 [[https://gitlab.direct2drive.com/|Gitlab]] 進行登入,但建議你自行重設密碼 - 訪問 [[https://wiki.direct2drive.com|Wiki]] 並且使用新密碼登入,點擊在右上角 "**Update Profile**"的連結進入一更新帳號資訊頁面。 {{ :shared:07_reset_password.png |}} - 填入必要的欄位後按 "**Save**" 按鈕。{{ :shared:08_reset_password.png |}} - 完成,成功儲存後你會看到 "User profile successfully updated"的訊息,表示密碼已重設。 {{ :shared:09_reset_password.png |}} ++++